Product Quality


Nature's Sunshine goes to such great lengths to provide you with innovative new products of unrivaled quality, purity, potency and efficacy that telling our unique quality story can be a challenge. That's why we divided our complex quality and science story into several short and shareable vignettes.

Raw Material Sourcing.

We travel the world to inspect our suppliers' facilities and processes to ensure the highest quality natural ingredients are harvested and handled to protect key essential nutrients. Then, we verify each ingredient’s true beneficial potential.

Finding the Finest Herbs

Formulate for efficacy.

Our staff science team formulates our products with a relentless commitment to ingredient purity and potency. That’s why our customers trust Nature’s Sunshine natural products to deliver proven, repeatable results.

In-house manufacturing

We make and package Nature’s Sunshine products in our own facility, under conditions and guidelines that meet the most stringent global regulations.

Testing from start to finish.

Some might think it’s obsessive to conduct over six hundred tests on Nature’s Sunshine products. We agree. We are absolutely obsessed with creating high quality products of unmatched potency, consistency and purity. That’s the care we’ve taken for the past forty-two years, and the care we will continue to take.